NJ home foreclosure overhaul at risk of conditional veto, bill sponsor says |
Published July 27, 2022 A proposed overhaul of New Jersey’s home foreclosure process that aims to give family members, lower-income bidders and community nonprofits a leg up in purchasing foreclosed homes may be at risk of a conditional veto by Gov. Phil Murphy,said Assemblywoman Britnee Timberlake, the bill's sponsor. The state Senate passed the “Community Wealth Preservation Program,” A793/S1427, at the end of June, sending Murphy legislation that would give New Jerseyans experiencing foreclosure, or their next of kin, the first shot when the property goes up for auction, or the right of first refusal at the bid price. The bill aimed to discourage large investors from flipping foreclosed properties in a state that consistently ranks highest in the country for foreclosed homes, Timberlake said. “The governor’s team has communicated that this bill would likely be conditionally vetoed,” said Timberlake, D-Essex. “The governor has been a great friend and stood by working families. This is a very important bill for the community. The state is hemorrhaging wealth through foreclosures. This is a bill that creates equity and equality.” In a conditional veto, a governor suggests amendments to a bill, and the Legislature can either accept the changes with a simple majority vote, or override the veto — to keep the original language — with 27 votes in the Senate and 54 votes in the Assembly. The bill did not garner those thresholds when it passed both chambers with a 22-15 vote in the Senate and a 46-30 vote in the Assembly. A Murphy spokesperson declined to comment on the pending legislation, but provided a statement listing affordable housing programs included in the latest budget the governor signed, including $335 million to complete already-approved 100% affordable housing developments and a $5 million increase in a program providing down payment assistance to low- and middle-income families. Timberlake said she heard about hang-ups with at least two specific provisions in the foreclosure bill. One piece of the bill says the upset price, or minimum price accepted by a bank, must be no higher than 50% of the outstanding mortgage, interest, fees or other costs owed. Timberlake said that often when a home is underwater, banks do not offer borrowers a principal rate reduction, or a decrease on the amount owed on a mortgage. "But at the time of foreclosure, the most interesting thing is they usually start the bid for investors at half of what the person owes,” Timberlake said. “If not, this wouldn’t be a market: What would benefit a flipper buying at the top of the market? So what we’re trying to do is offer the same principal rate reduction that’s often offered to investors, but to a nonprofit or property owner.” Dueling interpretations “This is one of those things that I don’t think you want to sign a bill that has this much uncertainty attached to it,” Affuso said. “Just because a legislator says a bill does something doesn’t mean it does, and I say that with all the deference in the world to the assemblywoman.” To illustrate the conflicting opinions, consider a $300,000 property up for foreclosure with a borrower owing $200,000 on his mortgage, Affuso said. One interpretation of the bill says you can bid as much as you need to get the property back, but this could increase sheriff's fees and erode the equity on the house, Affuso said. The other interpretation says a person cannot bid more than $100,000, or half of the $200,000 owed. “While it’s a worthy goal, we’re worried about how you could game that system, having a next of kin write down anybody’s loan,” Affuso said. “It encourages any person to stop paying their mortgage, and having a family member take them out and lower the cost.” For example, he said, what if you bought a $1.5 million home, put $500,000 down, and took out a $1 million mortgage. What would stop you from not paying the mortgage, going into foreclosure, and having your sister bid $500,000 on the outstanding $1 million, meaning you effectively paid $1 million for a $1.5 million house? “If anybody’s brother can come in and redeem a mortgage for half, if you’re a federal entity, are you going to buy New Jersey mortgages?” Affuso asked. “That could cause a big problem for the secondary market. It would make more sense to pilot the program in one county to see how it works out.” 'Backstops and loopholes' To prevent disingenuous nonprofits from popping up out of nowhere to take advantage of these benefits, Timberlake said, legislators added a provision saying a nonprofit must have been created at least three years before the bill is enacted. “Most of the disagreements about the bill center around the backstops and loopholes to prevent corporations and banks from taking advantage of this law for purposes outside of its intent, and it’s important that those things stay in there,” Timberlake said. Murphy can make a decision to sign, veto or conditionally veto the bill within 45 days after the legislation was passed — Aug. 13 — or until the Assembly meets again, whichever is later. Since the Assembly is out for summer recess and does not have scheduled sessions on the legislative calendar, the governor may have more time to consider the bill. If he takes no action within the later time frame, the bill automatically becomes law. The bill also seeks to give families a leg up if they plan to stay in the neighborhood, and to prevent investors from rapidly buying up residential properties in foreclosure, a practice that escalated in the wake of the 2008 housing crisis. Currently, a winning bidder at a sheriff’s sale must immediately pay a deposit of 20% of the property purchase price in cash or a cashier's check to the sheriff. The bill would lower that deposit amount to 3.5% for those intending to live in the home for at least seven years, and give that bidder 90 business days to complete the sale, more than the currently required 30 days to put the rest of the money down. Interest would not accrue on the balance for the first 60 days after a sale. If bidders can’t complete the sale through no fault of their own — such as when the appraised value is less than the purchase price of the property — they won’t be responsible for penalties or fees. Under the bill, bidders can buy the property using financing if they provide documentation that they were pre-approved by a financial institution regulated by the Department of Banking and Insurance. They must also prove they have completed eight hours of homebuyer education counseling through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the buyer finances the bid and doesn't live in the property for the required seven years, he or she can be fined $100,000, except in extenuating circumstances, such as if the bidder or a close family member died or became disabled. If a community nonprofit wins the bid and intends to sell the property, the house must include a 30-year deed restriction that keeps the sale price affordable for low-income families to live in.