
2024-2025 HouseNJ Legislative Priorities

The 2024-2025 legislative session kicked off with the historic passage of S50/A4, which establishes a new framework for municipalities as they fulfill their Mt. Laurel fair share housing obligations. Thanks to the advocacy efforts of Network members and A-Teams, this landmark legislation will give municipalities expanded tools to work with Network members to meet their 4th round obligations.

The Network continues to advance its HouseNJ policy priorities, including growing the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to address NJ's severe affordable home deficit and to anticipate the state's 4th round affordable housing obligations. Other HouseNJ goals include growing the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit program, ending home appraisal bias, de-emphasizing credit scores for prospective affordable home applicants, and creating safe spaces during times of extreme heat. Network A-Teams will also continue to advocate for local and state-level rental protections and resources, including calling on the legislature to define what constitutes an "unconscionable" rent increase.

Programmatically, Network members and A-Teams will actively advocate for the implementation of essential tools like local land banks and the launch of the new Community Wealth Preservation Program.


NRTC Advocacy Toolkit

The Network recently published a new NRTC Advocacy Toolkit, covering details about the program, what it needs to function to the fullest, and ways to support it.


Upcoming Events and Meetings

Passaic County A-Team Meetings 2025:
Tuesday, January 28 at 2PM
Tuesday, April 22 at 11AM

For more information, contact Matthew Hersh, Director of Policy and Advocacy at [email protected]

Upcoming Network Events:

Under One Roof - October 24, 2025

Become a Member!

With over 250 members of affordable housing and community development corporations, individuals and others who support the creation of homes and economic opportunity for low- and moderate- income residents, the Network's goal is to make housing and community choices more balanced and equitable. We are proud to be NJ's premiere source for public policy advocacy, technical assistance and training resources, and cutting-edge research for our partners' community revitalization efforts. Click here to learn more!

Our members include:

  • Nonprofit affordable housing and 
    community development organizations
  • Community organizing agencies
  • Other community-based nonprofit organization
  • Technical assistance providers
  • Various social service agencies
  • Financial institutions
  • Builders and developers

County Background


The Passaic A-Team comprises a dozen Network members—from financial institutions to multi-actor community development corporations—who reflect the diverse housing needs of this part of the state.

Passaic points to its rich history and diverse housing stock as the impetus for neighborhood reinvestment. Still, at 17 percent, the poverty rate surpasses the state and the county’s median income falls below the state average. Additionally, while the average median property value is on par with the state average, the average household income comes up far short of its neighboring counties. As such, housing advocates here are working to ensure affordability, along with promoting workforce development and transit initiatives.

Key policy focus:

  • Affordable Housing Trust Funds
  • Neighborhood Empowerment Safety Training
  • Land Banking
  • Lead Remediation


The following is a list of food, healthcare, housing, and financial resources along with resources for families, children, and seniors. Additional resources can be found here on our main resources page.

Passaic County Housing Resource Guide (English/Spanish)

Emergency Assistance
An explanation of Emergency Assistance from the NJ Department of Human Services Division of Family Development.

SEED: Growing our Communities Program
Sponsored in partnership by the Network and New Jersey Community Capital (NJCC), this program provides HCDNNJ members and non-members access to low-cost, pre-development loans to support their economic development projects.

New Jersey HUD Certified Housing Counseling Organizations
This listing is of the HUD certified housing counseling organization that are part of the Network's housing intermediary sub grantee group.

Homelessness Trust Fund
This toolkit is to assist advocates in their efforts to help create County Homeless Trust Funds. Here you'll find a fact sheet, endorsements, model ordinance and county plans.