Virtual Healthy Homes and Communities Summit April 11, 2025 9:30am - 12:30pm REGISTER HERE
Housing is health! Environmental factors as well as racial and economic disparities have an irreparable impact on these basic human needs. Join us for this year's virtual Summit for thoughtful discussion, information, and resources to help create healthy homes and communities for all NJ residents. Here is just some of what's in store:
Landscapes at Risk: Climate Change Impacts on Community Development Climate change has become even more of a nationally recognized issue in the last year with extensive flooding, wildfires, and hurricanes reaching new parts of the nation. With New Jersey being the most densely populated state in the union, having half of its borders as coastline, and with heavily wooded regions like the Pine Barrens, the question of how climate change will impact housing development, insurance, emergency responses, and more are becoming increasingly relevant. Hear about the impacts of climate change directly within community development, and how these challenges are expected to be addressed.
- A Quarter Century in Review: Historic Challenges & Emerging Issues
We are at the quarter-century mark of the 2000s and many healthy homes’ challenges and lessons have been realized. In addition to the historically recognized social determinants of health, and contaminants faced by low-to-moderate income residents such as lead, mold, asbestos, and other factors, there have also been new areas of work developed because of the lessons learned within the last decade. As the legacy of historic challenges to healthy homes and communities continues to be addressed, what emerging issues can be seen and anticipated going forward?
- Building Together: Creating Healthier, More Equitable Communities
What does it take to create and sustain new ways of working together with the right tools and resources needed now by communities? The Building Healthier, More Equitable Communities (BHEC) initiative has been a learning lab of what it would take to improve neighborhood conditions so all people can flourish. Hear what four community development organizations in Asbury Park, Camden, Newark, and Paterson are learning about the challenges and benefits of coalition building. Panelists will address how funders and policymakers can help support, scale and codify successful strategies that can sustain equitable systems change, including how state agencies can work well with cities, and what nonprofit developers require to keep addressing the social drivers of health and well-being in communities.

Interested in a custom sponsorship package? Contact Vice President of Fund Development Sharon Barker at [email protected].
