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NJ Legislative Day
Wednesday, June 02, 2021, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

2021 Virtual NJ Legislative Day
Wednesday, June 2

Let us bring Trenton to you for the Network’s Virtual NJ Legislative Day!

On June 2, 2021, join the Network and your peers in the field to meet with your state legislators as we fight to protect the Affordable Housing Trust Fund! We’ll also urge support for housing and community development issues like healthy homes, tenants' rights, the People's Bill and the FY22 budget. And yes, we will be breaking out the "Build a Thriving NJ" shirts!

State budget negotiations are currently underway and the stakes couldn't be higher. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt by our communities for years to come. This is our opportunity to call on our state elected officials to take action to keep people in their homes and to make sure our communities are stronger than ever after the pandemic!

This event is free to access but you must register


2021 Virtual Legislative Day