From the President & CEO
Dear Friends,
The big day is finally here! The vast majority of us have already voted and hopefully we’ll find out soon who is going to lead us for the next four years. I personally want to thank everyone who engaged in voter registration and education efforts. The pandemic has changed the game and created a lot of confusion for voters, so thank you for making sure the residents you serve have their voices heard.
I don’t know what life will be like after today and I don’t know when the coronavirus will be just a distant memory. I do know that there’s going to be a long road to recovery. I know that together we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure that New Jerseyans have access to homes that are affordable in communities of their choice. We’re going to do everything we can to create safe, decent and healthy homes throughout New Jersey so that a child’s zip code is not the only determining factor in their future and that we close the racial wealth gap.
Today’s election is the most important election in generations. It comes at a time when the connection between structural racism, health outcomes and housing justice has never been more evident. Whatever the outcome is from today’s election, our efforts to address these interconnected, institutional issues will be as tenacious tomorrow as they are today. If you haven’t had a chance to read about this in our latest Network Voices entry, please click here.
Finally, thank you so much to all of you who participated in Under One Roof 2020! For us, the virtual space is uncharted territory so we appreciate all the support and positive feedback you’ve sent to the staff and myself. If there is a topic you’d like to learn more about or think we should delve into for next year, please let me know. We’ll be offering members many virtual training opportunities throughout 2021 so don’t hesitate to tell us what you want to see. Thanks again!

Thank You for Being Under One Roof! Over 300 participate in this year's virtual event
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Under One Roof 2020! Over 300 community development leaders such as yourself watched online and participated in our annual community development conference and membership meeting. At this year's event, we presented Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver with the “Community Development Champion” award for her role as Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA). We also honored several community trailblazers and municipal officials from the Cities of Trenton, Newark, Perth Amboy and Borough of Penns Grove.
Click the image below to watch remarks from Lt. Governor Oliver:

“During this unprecedented time, our top priority is making sure that everyone understands the urgent need for everyone to have a safe, affordable place to call home. The pandemic has demonstrated that housing is health,” said Network President and Chief Executive Officer Staci Berger. “The group of individuals and organizations we are honoring this year have gone above and beyond to make a positive impact on New Jerseyans in the midst of this pandemic, and to ensure that our communities have the resources and tools they need to recover. They are invaluable partners and allies to our network and the communities we serve.”
The virtual event was sponsored by JP Morgan Chase, M&T Bank, Valley National Bank, Santander, TD Bank, and Truist Bank amongst others. We were able to provide 21 workshops and sessions, more than ever before. Featured sessions included topics on healthy homes, tenant rights, women in development, art as a community development tool, neighborhood revitalization, racial equity, getting out the vote, federal public policy, neighborhood empowerment and safety, housing counseling, pandemic relief resources, and more. Under One Roof also featured two keynote addresses about achieving racial equity and housing justice delivered by Professor of Urban Policy and Health at The New School Dr. Mindy Thompson Fullilove and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Vice President for Housing Policy Peggy Bailey. Read More

Click the image to the left to learn more about our honorees, speakers, and sessions in this year's event program:
If you registered for Under One Roof 2020, you can access sessions and materials at:
Policy Watch
On Eighth Anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, People’s Bill Advances The New Jersey Senate today approved a series of amendments to the “People’s Bill,” an unprecedented piece of legislation that would keep families impacted by COVID-19 in their homes by preventing foreclosures and evictions. These amendments set the bill up for final passage in both houses next month. Click here for statements from the Network and Compassionate NJ partner.
Section 811 Project Rental Assistance NJ Housing Mortgage Finance Agency has announced an increase in rent levels under the Section 811 Program. Effective October 1, 2020, the Section 811 rent level for all one-bedroom units will be the Fair Market Rent (FMR) by county. Read More
DHS & DCF Unveil $25 Million Plan to Support Critical Home and Community-Based Services The NJ the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Human Services announced a plan to distribute $25 million in Coronavirus Relief Funding (CRF) to critical home-based and community-based services that have been impacted by increased costs resulting from responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Read More
U.S. Senate blocks measure to oppose OCC's CRA rule The Senate rejected a measure to consider a resolution introduced by House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) in June to nullify the OCC’s version of the CRA modernization final rule. Chairwoman Waters, condemned the Senate’s action, saying the OCC final rule would “effectively turn the Community Reinvestment Act into the Community Disinvestment Act, making it easy for banks to get a passing grade with consumers paying the price.” Read More
USICH Releases Strategic Plan Ignoring Decades of Evidence on the Causes of and Solutions to Homelessness The United State Interagency Counsel on Homelessness (USICH) released on October 19 a new strategic plan that is deeply flawed and ill-informed, ignoring decades of evidence on the causes of and solutions to homelessness and undermining successful programs. Our national partner, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, NLIHC joined nine other national housing organizations in a sign-on letter responding to the plan and noting its shortcomings. Read the plan here
IRS Extends Deadline to Apply for Economic Impact Payments to November 21 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is alerting people who do not normally file income taxes that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has extended to November 21 the deadline to apply for a CARES Act Economic Impact Payment (EIP). Millions of people who do not normally file income taxes are eligible to receive EIP, commonly referred to as a stimulus check. The IRS Non-Filers tool will be available through November 21.
Member Spotlight
New Jersey Citizen Action's 2020 Annual Awards Luncheon Wednesday, November 18 | 3pm-5pm | Virtual NJ Citizen Action's Annual Awards Gala is their largest fundraising event of the year, attended by more than 200 labor, senior, community, religious, environmental and civil rights leaders from across the state. Read More
Being Brave 2020 Town Clock Community Development Corporation hosted an inspirational and uplifting virtual event to honor survivors of domestic violence last month. The event featured musical performances and impassioned words from an array of artists, advocates, and supporter of the cause. Being Brave honors women who bravely pursue safety and fiercely embark upon a new beginning. This event highlighted the importance of permanent, affordable and supportive housing for these brave survivors and encouraged a nationwide expansion of the "housing first" model in which Town Clock operates. Read More
Madison Housing Authority Celebrates 50 Years The Madison Housing Authority (MHA) is celebrating 50 years of providing safe, affordable, well managed properties for low income families in the welcoming community of Madison, New Jersey. To celebrate, the MHA hosted a gathering on the steps of the Hartley Dodge Memorial in Madison on October 23 with a keynote address by Network Board Member and CEO of Morris Habitat for Humanity Blair Schleicher Wilson. Read More
In the News
In New Jersey’s most segregated county, racism and coronavirus made a ‘vicious circle’ Housing segregation made New Jersey ripe for the pandemic's spread. In this six-part series, USA TODAY investigates how racism fuels COVID-19 deaths. Read More
Landlords Challenge U.S. Eviction Ban and Continue to Oust Renters In September, the Trump administration announced a national moratorium on evictions, via an order by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus. The four-month temporary suspension applies to any tenant who can’t make rent due to economic conditions and who presents a written declaration about their circumstances to their landlord. But the CDC ban now faces legal challenges on multiple fronts, even as landlords continue to routinely file evictions for nonpayment of rent — the very outcome that the order was designed to prevent. Read More
Roundup: A State-Level Guide to 2020’s Housing Ballot Measures During the presidential election, voters in seven states—California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Nebraska, and New Jersey—will be able to vote yes or no on state-level initiatives surrounding housing and urban development. Read More
In This Issue...
- From the CEO
- Under One Roof
- Policy Watch
- Sponsors
- Upcoming Events
- Funding
- In the News
- Employment
- Resources
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events
NJ Non-Profit Virtual Conference December 2-3
Supportive Housing Association on NJ Annual Conference December 3-4
2021 Governor's Conference on Housing and Economic Development September 30-October 1, 2021
Employment Opportunities
HOMECorp Property Manager
New Jersey Future Lead-Free New Jersey Manager
Princeton Community Housing Multi Site Property Manager
Solar Landscape Bilingual Client Services Specialist
NJ Citizen Action Bilingual Intake and Outreach Coordinator
Emergency Rental Assistance Programs in Response to COVID-19 NLIHC released a Research Note, Emergency Rental Assistance Programs in Response to COVID-19, that provides a descriptive analysis of over 440 rental assistance programs created or expanded in response to COVID-19. Read More
How are hospitals investing in community development? The new report Exploring Hospital Investments in Community Development provides the first in-depth, national analysis of nonprofit hospitals’ reported spending on community building activities, examining how this spending varies by geography and hospital characteristics. Read More
American Cities Rebuilding American Cities Rebuilding is the first of an ongoing series of convenings addressing issues for cities in New Jersey and across America, with a hyper-focus on urban concerns through the dual lenses of COVID-19 and social justice. Taking place Oct. 14-16, it utilized a combination of broadcast, digital and virtual tools to connect dynamic voices from around the country. Watch the highlights here
Where to Prioritize Emergency Rental Assistance to Keep Renters in Their Homes Mapping Neighborhoods Where Low-income Renters Face Greater Risks of Housing Instability and Homelessness to Inform an Equitable COVID-19 Response. Read More
New Data Show Millions, Disproportionately People of Color, Are Behind on Rent During Pandemic New data analyzed by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) found that one in three adults had trouble paying for usual household expenses in the last seven days; the difficulty is particularly acute for Black, Asian, and Latino adults. Read More
Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Coronavirus and Other Infectious Disease Response The following is an outline for grantees of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds on eligible activities that prevent and respond to the spread of infection diseases such as the coronavirus. Read More
Funding Opportunities
Support Available to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities National Institutes of Health Deadline: December 1, 2020
Program Addresses Pandemic Using Technology and Innovation Department of Commerce Deadline: December 3, 2020
Funds for Economic Opportunity Programs in Bank Communities MUFG Union Bank Foundation Online applications may be submitted throughout the year