Member Benefits
With more than 250 members of affordable housing and community development corporations, individuals and other organizations that support the creation of housing and economic opportunity for low- and moderate- income residents, the Network’s goal is to make housing and community choices more balanced and equitable. We are proud to be New Jersey’s premiere source for public policy advocacy, technical assistance and training resources, and cutting edge research for our partners’ community revitalization efforts.
Join your CDC colleagues and others and become a Network Member. Benefits include:

- Exclusive online access to our Membership Directory
- Clipping service on members and issues through the Network’s daily Media Alert
- Electronic newsletter subscription, The Network News (including grant opportunities, job announcements, legislative news, upcoming trainings, etc.)

- Access to state, regional, and national bulletin boards, publications, links and various resource materials and research
- 15% Discounted Annual Membership to the Center for Non Profits (Save up to $131)
- Discounted Network training programs and events
- Discounted annual subscription to Shelterforce Magazine for only $18 per year for
individual members and $31.50 organizations (Save $6 and $10.50 respectively)
- Access to personalized technical assistance in affordable housing and economic development, organizing and planning, and organizational management
- The opportunity to influence community development policies and programs
- A link to your organization from the Network’s website

- Online job postings for Network members
- Reciprocal member benefits with the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations
- Issue-oriented networking and resource sharing within affinity groups
Associate Members: (Regional or citywide for-profit community development consultants, for-profit developers and private financial institutions who support the mission and activities of the Network. Enjoy all this plus more! Click here to view member benefits for Associate Members.
For more information contact:
Holly Vonstamwitz, Membership and Operations Coordinator